Navigating Keto: Unveiling Both Sides

Here’s a diet that needs no introduction. Everyone has heard of it. But we’re not here to tell you that this diet is great and that you should do it. We’re not even going to tell you not to do it. But we do want to give you an overview of what this diet while highlighting the potential benefits and the concerns associated with this high-fat, low-carb regimen. Hopefully this information can empower you to make your own diet decisions based on your individual needs.

The Basics of the Keto Diet

In essence, the ketogenic diet involves a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake and an increase in protein and fat (particularly fat), leading the body into a state of ketosis. This metabolic state promotes efficient fat burning for energy, accompanied by the production of ketones in the liver. While proponents emphasize its potential advantages, it’s essential to acknowledge that not everyone thinks this diet is so great.


To achieve ketosis, you must limit carb intake and prioritize fats from sources like meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and oils, preferably healthier oils. The process can be augmented with intermittent fasting. Tests and symptoms can confirm ketosis, providing you with a tangible way to measure the diet’s impact on your body.

Is the Keto Diet Suitable for Diabetes and Prediabetes?

While research suggests positive outcomes for individuals with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, it’s crucial to consider dissenting opinions. Some health experts question the sustainability and long-term effects of the keto diet, urging caution and a broader perspective. Before beginning with any highly restrictive diet, consult a health practitioner if you have any specific health conditions.

Other Potential Health Benefits

Many individuals lose weight on the keto diet and experience other health benefits, such as improved insulin sensitivity, improved blood pressure, and improved mental focus.

The keto diet has also shown promise in other health conditions. From reducing the risk of heart disease to potential applications in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, the scope of this diet extends far beyond just weight management. It can potentially reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and may help to slow the growth of tumors.

Keto Concerns

However, not all experts are on board with the keto craze. Critics, including many dietitians, express reservations about how it can impact the health of the gut. Some gastroenterologists link the keto diet to chronic diseases, anxiety, and inflammation.

If you already have kidney problems, such as chronic kidney disease, it’s probably best to bypass this diet. Already-weakened kidneys may be unable to remove the buildup of acid resulting from the intake of animal foods. This buildup can then lead to acidosis, progressing the disease.

Many people also may not realize that the keto diet was originally used for treating epilepsy in children, and it’s still used in this way. In other words, it wasn’t necessarily designed as a sustainable diet for adults, but it has been utilized in this way, and there still isn’t much long-term data on how it can affect people over time.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Fiber Challenges

One notable drawback for the keto diet is the potential to become deficient in certain nutrients. The elimination of fruits and many vegetables, whole grains, and legumes may mean that you won’t be getting essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B, and selenium, which could pose long-term health risks. Meeting daily fiber requirements can also be more challenging on a keto diet, especially since many adults already don’t get the recommended amount of daily fiber.

Decide for Yourself

The keto diet promises many healthy benefits, and plenty of people have experienced these benefits for themselves. But it’s important to remember that not everyone does well on this diet, and many experts caution against the long-term effects it may pose. No diet is one size fits all, and ultimately you must decide for yourself, through research and experience, what works best for you.