The 5 Healthiest Snacks to Eat on the Go

It can be hard to stay healthy when you’re always on the go. Time crunches often lead to unplanned munches, and when urgency is the motivator, you’ll likely grab the kind of food that provides a quick energy hit but leaves you crashing later and fails to support your long-term goals, like those Oreos in the cupboard. Or, you’re going since breakfast and the day doesn’t slow enough to think about food until late in the night when you’re hangry and ravenous. There’s a better way. One that provides energy throughout the day and supports your hunger cues, so you stay in control of your mood and decisions.

We put together a list of the five healthiest snacks to eat for your dining please. Delicious snacks that are nutritious will help keep your energy levels up throughout the day, making you a better version of yourself. Become someone who honors and takes care of their needs in a pleasurable way by preparing these snacks to support your driven lifestyle.

  1. Trail Mix

A satisfying snack will be one that features all three macronutrients in a smart way. A handful or two of trail mix is an excellent snack option because it contains complex carbs and healthy fats, along with filling protein. Choose one that is low in added sugars by checking the label or make your own mix from nuts, seeds, dried fruit and whole grain cereals. It’s easy to prepare and store, and its combination of protein, carbs, and healthy fats promote long-lasting energy. Plus, there are plenty of varieties so you don’t get bored. Personally, we like to toss in dark-chocolate covered acai berries to make it feel decadent.

  1. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Boiled eggs are a great snack to eat when you’re on the go. They provide healthy, quality protein and fat to keep your energy levels up for hours, without any added sugars or sodium like popular processed snacks. Using whole foods like eggs means you’re in control of any other ingredients you put with them as well as the quantity. Sometimes we go for an egg salad sandwich on sprouted whole grain bread, and other times, we simply mash two eggs in a bowl and sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Plus, preparation is easy: hard-boil a dozen ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator so they’re ready when you need them.

  1. Prepared Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are great, but they can be hard to eat on the go. To make it easier, pre-cut and store them in individual containers the day you bring them home from the grocery store so you don’t have to worry about those well-intentioned purchases going to your refrigerator to die. Add a little fresh-ground almond or peanut butter to celery sticks for an easy snack combination that will give you a full macro sampling and promote satiety. Of course a variety of vegetables in a snack pack can also be very satisfying, offering crunch, bulk from fiber, sweetness, and savor: think, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, snap peas, and cauliflower.

  1. Fruit, Cheese, and Meat

This is one of our favorites. It’s a simple snack that has all the components to keep you full and happy. Plus, it’s easy to prepare and store. Get some fresh fruit, quality cheese slices, and meat like nitrate-free turkey or chicken. Put them together in an individual container with a few multi-grain crackers and you have a balanced, nutrient-rich snack that will keep your energy up until mealtime. Honestly, this one often turns into my lunch on busier days. The finger-food aspect is just so simple. And the variety of options never ends. But remember, if you’re watching your caloric intake, amplify the amount of fruit, or even add in some vegetables to the mix, and enhance the snack with smaller amounts of meat and cheese.

  1. Smoothies

Smoothies are great for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. The combination of fruits, vegetables, protein powder and a liquid base like almond milk or coconut water can fill you up with lots of good stuff. We suggest preparing smoothie ingredients ahead of time by prepping fruit and veggies like spinach leaves, blueberries, bananas etc., then storing them in individual containers so that all you need to do is blend when it’s time for a smoothie. You can also make smoothies with yogurt and protein powder as the base. This boosts the protein content and helps keep you full for longer periods of time. Find yourself an aesthetic tumbler to enhance the whole experience.


And there you have it — five energizing, healthy snack options that are easy to prepare and store. Each one will give you the energy boost you need without crashing an hour later. And hopefully, taking the time to prioritize yourself in a healthy but delicious way reminds you of the treasure you are. Happy snacking!